Assembly Steps

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Assembly Steps

In the Assembly steps tab all assembly steps of a ProKon analysis are displayed. The area is for viewing or entering data.

An analysis contains one or more assembly steps. The order of the assembly steps can be changed at a later time (step up / down).

Using the Assembly steps ribbon or the context menu, assembly steps can be converted into elements, and elements broken down into structure lines. The same options are available for this as for MTM analyses (see Structure).


Assembly steps of a ProKon analysis

All information relevant to the assembly steps can be entered in the tabular view.

The detailed view supports the user in following the rules regarding input. By clicking the ProKon_Button-Detailansicht button in the ribbon, all available categories (analysis criteria) for the selected assembly step are displayed in the right part of the window.

The type and number of columns and the available categories depend on the selected structural behavior.

Analysis Criteria ProKon M

Analysis Criteria ProKon A

Analysis criteria ProKon E

The detailed view simplifies the input and provides help via various buttons. The respective help buttons Button_Hilfe-ProKoncan be used to call up further details and notes on the analysis criteria. If the input values or conditions are not suitable for an easy and safe assembly, the help button changes to the following buttons: Button_Ausrufezeichen_gelb-ProKonor Button_Ausrufezeichen-ProKon. By clicking on the respective button, it is also possible to call up the Help. The yellow symbol stands for a warning, the red symbol as an input error.


Assembly steps tab, with detailed view for the assembly step 'Insert dowel' and totals row

Check box "Display totals row"

The "Display totals row" option in the Structure ribbon in the View area displays the total row in the structure.

hmtoggle_arrow1Additional object