TiCon ProKon

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TiCon ProKon

The module TiCon ProKon offers an analytical method for design optimization and an effective method for cost reduction.

The term ProKon stands for production-oriented design (German: Produktionsgerechte Konstruktion) and thus covers all constructive measures to improve production. This can be measures in the area of production (e.g. machining) as well as in the assembly.

ProKon is a MTM-based method to analyze and evaluate design solutions with regard to their ease of assembly. ProKon is used to systematically identify tips for constructive solutions and to quantify their impact on productivity.

The module consists of the element type ProKon Analysis with four element configurations:

ProKon M

ProKon A

ProKon E

ProKon Comparison

The specific method and functionality is described in the following chapters. In this context, it is irrelevant which structural behavior forms the basis of the element configuration.

For working with the module, all general functions are available as in TiCon Base.

In the ProKon module there are two generation functions:

1. Generate assembly steps: Allows you to start working with a BOM and to create a ProKon analysis from it.

2. Generate an MTM Analysis: Allows you to generate an MTM Analysis with the corresponding sub-elements from the created ProKon analysis.