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TiCon4 is multilingual. This affects the user interface and the user data.
System data, such as element configurations or folders, have a language independent code, apart from the language specific designation. This code is uniformly in the database for each language. To enter the language specific designation, the user must have the Translator role and logon in the respective language or, if available, he has to switch the data language in the Translate group in the ribbon.
The language independent code is useful for a better overview when maintaining the system data. The users see the language specific designation in the respective language when working with the program.
Each database and element configuration can be set concerning whether the texts entered by the user shall be saved consistently for all languages (a) or differently for each language (b), i.e. in several languages.
Application example:
(a) language-neutral
TiCon is used in German and English by an international team. When logging on, every user chooses its "own" language. Each entry and change of an analysis text is consistently visible in all languages.
(b) multilingual
TiCon is used in German and English by an international team. Certain analyses should be consciously created in several languages, consequently, the German speaking user sees the German text and the English speaking user sees the English text. So the users are responsible for the synchronous content.
Further information:
•Edit folders & system data multilingually
•What are "Language-neutral texts"?