Users and Rights

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Users and Rights

TiCon offers a sophisticated authorization concept. It is possible to assign rights at the role (1), directly at the user (2) or at the user using a role (3).


It is possible to set rights at the user or at the role for the following categories:

Bausteinkonfiguration Element configurations

Ordner Folder

Datenkarte Data cards

Druckformulare Print forms

Funktionen Functions

Please note:

There is no hierarchy for the permissions, i.e. there is no role or user with a parent function. Folder permissions have a special logic and correspond to the Windows’ logic.

hmtoggle_arrow1Further settings:
hmtoggle_arrow1How effective authorizations are determined?
hmtoggle_arrow1What role do permissions on folders have?
hmtoggle_arrow1Rights in the Element configurations tab