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The Operations tab is similar to the structure of an MTM Analysis in TiCon Base. Here it is possible to include all operations. The operations can be directly assigned to a resource or included without being assigned. To improve the structure, you can divide the operations into any number of sub-operations and thus, group them. For grouping use the buttons Indent or Outdent PD_einruecken_ausruecken.

In order to describe the operations, you can:

enter only text and estimated time (te / tr),

MTM analyses or

assign process designs.


The times are based on the currently set time unit and the set decimal places. In the example: hours and two decimal places.

The operations entered can subsequently be categorized, e.g. main operations, secondary operations. These categories facilitate the Evaluation of the operations.

To categorize the three process indicators can be used. In the example, "Indicator 2" was renamed to "Category" and the criteria "Main operation" and "Secondary operation" were added. These and further categories can be added in the Administration.

Please note:

Operations are calculated per year. It is therefore appropriate to enter the values in "h".

The entered times (te) are estimated times and already include allowances.

As a rule, up to 3 levels are displayed, in extrem case up to 5.