TiCon PD

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TiCon PD

The moduleTiCon PD assists the user concerning the effective and flexible graphical demonstration as well as concerning the variable evaluation of processes. PD is, for example, applied in case of processes in the administrative area. The module makes it possible that process sequences can be applied in MTM analyzed process steps. With the help of the module PD working and running times can be calculated.

Advantages of the module PD:

Comfortable, intuitive operable tool for the graphical process modeling

Visualization and structuring of processes

Complete integration in TiCon = reliable time determination on the basis of MTM times and access to MTM process descriptions

MTM background not obligatory

Assigning personal resources (task managers)

Calculation of the required staff in the process cockpit

The module consists of the element type Process monitor with two element configurations:

Process cockpit

Process design

For working with the module, all general functions are available as in TiCon Base.