Exchange Structure Element

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Exchange Structure Element

A workflow has been reevaluated, but the allocated analysis should not be changed in the original? The solution is to duplicate the original and change it according to the new conditions.

If the original is already used in many calculations, it would require a lot of effort to manually replace the "old" element with the "new" one in every single reference. The option Exchange structure element helps to replace an element with another in all its references.


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 1:
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 2:
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 3:
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 4:
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 5:
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 6:

The successful completion of the action is displayed in the log.

Please note:

It is not possible to replace an MTM-1®   element configuration metric with an MTM-1® element configuration non-metric and vice versa.

When Drag & Drop from a building block to an existing line in the the Structure of a building block the structure text is retained if the original standard text has been overwritten. Otherwise, the new standard text of the new building block is displayed. (See Standard text vs. structure text)