Tab Additional Objects

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Tab Additional Objects

In the tab Additional objects all additional objects are listed. You can use both local and global additional objects. The insertion options are described in the chapter How to Use Local and Global Resources.


Additional objects ribbon

hmtoggle_arrow1Inserting and copying additional objects
hmtoggle_arrow1Columns in the Additional objects tab
hmtoggle_arrow1Further options for assigning additional objects

The list of all additional objects assigned to the analysis can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the required column header.

The function Remove assignment or Remove all can be used via the ribbon or the context menu. In addition, the following options are available in the ribbon:




Reloads the descriptions and criteria of the used global additional objects.

Change assignment

Assigns an additional object to a structure line.

Cancel all

Removes all assignments of all structure lines.

Hide completely assigned

Hides all additional objects, that are fully assigned.

Hide partially assigned

Hides all additional objects that are only partially assigned.

Hide unassigned

Hides all additional objects that are not assigned.