Quantity x Frequency

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Quantity x Frequency

Via Quantity & frequency (Q x F) , the frequency of use of the element in the structure line is defined.

In the field Quantity & frequency, a total factor is composed from single operators using all basic arithmetical operations. The total factor does not have to be calculated manually but is directly entered as a “formula”. That way the origin of the quantity x frequency is easier to understand. This conforms to the use of “quantity” and “frequency” that is standard in the time management sector.

The following operators are allowed:

+        Addition

-        Subtraction

*        Multiplication

/        Division

The operators don’t have to be separated by spaces. For a better overview, however, one or more spaces are permitted for separation.

The Quantity & frequency are calculated considering order of operations rules (multiplication / division has precedence over addition / subtraction).

If necessary, expressions have to be put into brackets for calculation.

2 + 3 * 4 = 14                or                (2 + 3) * 4 = 20

As summand, minuend, subtract, dividend and divisor, real numbers can be used.

The result of the field Quantity x frequency enters as frequency of use of the element into the structure line.

Please note:

It is possible to determine in the administration if the structure factor (column Q x F) should be considered for the set-up times. As a standard this setting is activated and also set-up times are multiplied with the factor. If this option is deactivated, factors <> 1 will be ignored for set-up analyses (see time structure, settings).

If .1 is entered as factor in the Q x F column, TiCon evaluates this as 0.1.