Drag & Drop

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Drag & Drop

The Drag & Drop function is generally available for every selection in TiCon. The function can be used to easily copy selected objects from one place to another or assign them using the mouse. For a Drag & Drop action, selected elements are moved to the required target location while the left mouse button is pressed (drag) and inserted by releasing the mouse button (drop). If the target location is invalid, this is indicated with a prohibition signDrag_Drop_Verbot.

Please note:

Drag & Drop into the Favorites folder or a subfolder in the Favorites folder, creates a link and makes the edited element or folder a Favorite.

When holding the CTRL key while using Drag & Drop to move elements and documents, a copy of the object is created.

If the right mouse button is used for Drag & Drop, a query appears - as standard in Windows Explorer - to determine the action required for the document (copy or move).


Context menu for Drag & Drop with right mouse button

hmtoggle_arrow1Drag & Drop in the Explorer
hmtoggle_arrow1Drag & Drop with data cards
hmtoggle_arrow1Drag & Drop of documents
hmtoggle_arrow1Automatic tab change during Drag & Drop
hmtoggle_arrow1Behavior of drag & drop on and between rows