Data Cards

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Data Cards

TiCon offers the option to work with graphical data cards. To do this, time values are made available from data cards and can be taken over into element structures, formulas etc. by mouse click or drag & drop. This provides users with a very simple tool for analyzing.

In TiCon, data cards of the following element systems are available:









It concerns MTM data cards that may not be changed or deleted by the user. The structure of the MTM data cards cannot be changed.


Data card overview (tree)

Please note:

The data cards in TiCon are HTML-based. So all possibilities offered by HTML can be used for the data cards.

It is possible to add own, company specific data cards. According to the element system, the cards support one-hand and/or both-hand mode.

The data cards are arranged in a tree structure. The TiCon administrator can hide single data cards or groups of data cards within the TiCon authorization. The arrangement of the structure for MTM Data cards cannot be changed.

Personal data cards can be deleted at any time. MTM data cards can only be hidden via the access authorizations.