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In the Times tab (only MTM Analyses, MTM-1® Analyses and MTM-2® Analyses), the visible time types of the Times tab are configured.


Times tab of the element configuration MTM Analysis [AN]

You can add times by using the Insertbutton in the Element configuration ribbon.

For a time displayed in the Times tab you can set the following:

Input field (Input)

Header (Display in Header tab).

Time unit


The order of the times can be changed by using the arrows in the ribbon or by using drag & drop.


If the check box is active, for the selected time type a time can be entered. The check box can only be enabled for the time types ttb, ttu, tw, te, trtb, trtu, trw, tr and user-specific times.


If the check box is activated, the selected time type in the Header tab is displayed.

Time unit

Sets the unit for the selected time type.




No time unit is displayed and the time type does not respond to the switching of time unit and decimal places in the ribbon.

[Time unit]

Initially, the selected time unit / decimal places are displayed. By clicking on the time unit, it is possible to individually adjust or change the time unit / decimal place for the view.


Always displays the decimal places and time unit, which have been selected in the ribbon.


Sets the number of decimal places for the selected time type.

Please note:

If user-specific times are filled with calculated values in allowance classes, the entry for this user-specific time cannot be used in the Times tab of the element configuration, which uses this allowance class, at the same time. Saving this constellation is not possible and is rejected by an error.