Restrict config rights

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Restrict config rights

To prevent manipulation, we recommend removing write access to the configuration file after installing TiCon. Read access is sufficient for the user to start TiCon and work with the program.

hmtoggle_arrow1Where can I find the config file?
hmtoggle_arrow1How can I remove write access to the config file?


In this way, you as administrator prevent accidental changes and malicious chang to the database connection in order to steal connection parameters.

As an alternative solution, the config.xml can also be shifted to the program directory. The program directory may only be written with administrator authorization. This automatically protects the config.xml against unintentional changes.

If the configuration file has been shifted to the program directory or another directory, this directory must be specified when the ticon4.exe is started, e.g. like this:

TiCon4.exe /ini:""c:\Program Files\MTM\TiCon 4.09\config.xml".

This Information can be specified e.g. in the start shortcut.