Design Factor

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Design Factor

The Design factor is the basic value of a ProKon analysis divided by the total value (Units total). The total value is the value of all units of an analysis, i.e. the total of the basic value + all assembly difficulties.

The design factor specifies the extent of assembly difficulties occurring during a process for each analysis. If the design factor = 1, there aren't any difficulties, because the basic value = total value. This is the theoretical optimum. The design factor is especially helpful for comparing alternatives with identical basic values.


- 2 analyses with different units, but the same design factors (40/160 vs. 80/320):


Example: Design factor = 40/160 = 0.25


Example: Design factor = 80/320 = 0.25

- 2 analyses with different design factors (40/160 vs. 40/320):


Example: Design factor = 40/160 = 0.25


Example: Design factor = 40/320 = 0.12