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Das Berechnen einer EAWS®-Auswertung ist möglich, wenn der Baustein selbst eine EAWS®-Struktur besitzt, oder wenn alle in seiner Struktur verwendeten Bausteine eine EAWS®-Struktur besitzen. Eine berechnete EAWS®-Auswertung ist die Voraussetzung zur Verwendung in der Abtaktung, wenn diese im Modus "EAWS®-Bewertung aggregieren" verwendet wird. Die Bewertung wird auch in der Suche und im Explorer angezeigt.

Sofern keine Änderungen im Tab Arbeitsplatzorganisation durchgeführt wurden, geht TiCon beim Bewerten davon aus, dass der in der EAWS®-Struktur beschriebene Ablauf zyklisch über die Dauer einer kompletten Schicht immer wiederholt wird (ohne Pausen/Taktausgleich zwischen den Wiederholungen).

The evaluation is updated by clicking on the Refresh button. This is especially important when subsequent changes were made! Using this overview allows comprehending the calculation of the point values for the respective center of stress.

For forces and loads, detailed ratings can be displayed by clicking on the arrow to the right of the respective force/load for which ratings are available (see screenshot for an example of whole-body forces).


Example for an evaluation

No signal light is used because loads cannot be rigidly delimited. Instead, a colored sign is used, which color changes continuously from green to yellow to red according to the point value.

The following evaluation results are possible:


The risk of sickness or injury is negligible or at a low level acceptable for all worker coming into consideration.


A complete or partially non-negligible risk of sickness or injury exists for the worker coming into consideration.


The risk of sickness or injury is apparent and it is not acceptable to expose the worker coming into consideration to this risk.

The following response is required based on the risk classification:

GREEN ZONE - No action is needed.

YELLOW ZONE - A further risk assessment as well as an analysis is carried out, taking into consideration other risk factors involved. Redesign if possible, otherwise take other measures to control the risk.

RED ZONE - Actions to lower the risk are necessary.