Process Indicators

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Process Indicators

If process indicators have been created in the Administration, they can be assigned to a process per structure line.

The delivery scope contains the example of the process indicator "Value added" with two criteria (value adding / non value adding). The Value added tab displays a graphic evaluation of the individual shares.

This evaluation refers to the assignments either in the element itself or in its subordinate structures. The evaluation is multi-level, which makes it possible to make a statement for the top levels (e.g. assembly, main assembly, product) concerning the percentage of value added.

When the times change, the percentage of value added is automatically updated. This does not apply when times where manually entered in elements in higher structure levels (see time structure/times).

In TiCon, the default settings are as follows:


The administrator determines further criteria and their names and color codes. In addition, the existing criteria can be renamed.

In the Value added tab, the evaluation of the values is displayed in a bar and pie chart. Both types of charts can be printed.


Value added tab

Please note:

The assignment and evaluation of process indicators is supported in most of the element types, e.g. MTM Analysis, MTM-1® and MTM-2® Analysis, Balancing.

In the Value added ribbon, it is possible for the display of the time unit to set the number of decimal places and the time type, on which the display is based.


Area View in the ribbon

Apart from the value added, there are two other functionally equivalent evaluations, which can be defined by the administrator regarding categories, criteria and colors. With this method, it is possible to show different evaluations of analyzed times, for example concerning the content or different locations of a company. All three types of process indicators are considered during the Import/Export of analyses.

hmtoggle_arrow1Process indicators and set-up times

In order to change process indicators at elements, you can use the following mass changes:

Change process indicator

Change process indicator in structure

see also: Example of an MTM analysis with evaluation by value adding shares